Is it possible to give birth without sperm?
Is it possible to give birth without sperm?; When we go to the root of the problems experienced by couples in having children, we see that 40% of them are caused by men. Low sperm cell count, movement problems in sperms or structural problems of sperms are among the main causes of infertility in men.
Some of the men in this group do not have any live or dead sperm in the semen. Azoospermia, the inability of men to produce live sperm, can also be seen quite commonly. Basically, it is expressed as a condition in which no sperm is found when semen is analysed due to a production disorder in the testicles.
This condition may be congenital or may occur later due to external factors. However, thanks to today’s technologies used in the health sector, the possibility of men in this situation to become fathers has increased.
What are the causes of azoospermia?
- Blocked ducts that produce sperm
- No sperm duct
- Cancer treatment drugs
- High radiation exposure
- Kleinfelter syndrome
First of all, the patient’s history should be listened to, because the treatment process proceeds accordingly. As with all diseases, it is very important to carry out all necessary examinations before treatment and to determine exactly what the problem is. As a result of these findings, the most appropriate treatment method should be determined and applied to the patient.
First of all, it should be known that some of the men with azoospermia have sperm cell production, but the obstruction in the ducts causes problems in the expulsion of the sperm. It is possible to treat this condition with the necessary hormone therapy and medication.

birth without sperm Is it possible
What is done if no sperm production (sperm cells) occurs?
In addition to hormone therapy, a surgical procedure called ‘TESE’ is required to obtain sperm from the testicles. If this method is not successful and no sperm cells are found, another surgical operation called micro-TESE can be performed.
As with TESE, the success rate of micro-TESE, which is the process of taking tissue from the testicles with the help of a microscope and searching for sperm, is 40 per cent. Of course, the sperm quality (sperm cell) of men and the age of women are also important in the process of having a child, because egg reserves begin to decrease at a later age. In other words, it should not be forgotten that the whole process is actually a whole.
As in all treatment processes, I recommend everyone to keep their morale high first, because it should not be forgotten that this is a process and supporting each other with your partner can be much more effective than you think in the successful outcome of the treatment.
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Is it possible to give birth without sperm?