How is Embryo Transfer Done?
Embryo transfer is the fourth stage in IVF treatment. The other stages are ovarian stimulation, collection of stimulated eggs (OPU), fertilization, embryo transfer and pregnancy test. During the ovarian stimulation phase, the expectant mother starts medication. This phase is completed in approximately 12-15 days. This phase, which is initiated to obtain more than one egg in the menstrual cycle, continues with the collection of eggs.
When it is determined in the controls that the eggs have reached a certain maturity, the expectant mother is given a hatching injection and the eggs are collected 36 hours later. Simultaneously with the egg collection, a sperm sample is taken from the expectant father. The sperm sample and egg cell are fertilized in the laboratory. The embryos are then transferred to the expectant mother after 2 or 5 days.
During embryo transfer :
During embryo transfer, the expectant mother is placed on a gynecological examination table. The cervix is then cleaned with antiseptic solutions. The embryologist then selects the best quality embryos and the doctor transfers the embryos into the uterus using a catheter. These procedures are completed in 5 minutes. Since the procedure is painless and painless, anesthesia is not administered. After the procedure, the expectant mother rests at the center for a few hours and then is sent home.

Embryo Transfer Done
Things to consider after embryo transfer :
- The expectant mother is free for 12 days after the embryo transfer. She does not need to go to an in vitro fertilization center during this period.
- During the 12-day period, physically exhausting activities should be avoided.
- The expectant mother should be careful not to be in environments where she will be exposed to stress.
- Smoking and alcohol should never be used.
- You should not even be in smoking environments. Smoking 6 cigarettes in the presence of the expectant mother poisons the mother as much as smoking one cigarette.
- A pregnancy test should not be done before 12 days are up. Even if pregnancy is present, the pregnancy test will give negative results unless 12 days have passed. It is recommended that the expectant mother does not take a pregnancy test to avoid stress.
- In this process, it is very important for the expectant mother to focus on positive thoughts and take walks.
- The diet should be vitamin-based.
- Folic acid supplementation can be started with the doctor’s recommendation.
- After 12 days, the expectant mother can take a blood pregnancy test. This test can be done in every health center. It is not necessary to go to an IVF center. The test can be done at any nearby health institution.
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