Causes of Male Infertility
Causes of Male Infertility; Infertility is a common problem among couples and about half of all infertility cases can be attributed to men. Male infertility is usually caused by sperm problems such as low sperm count or no sperm at all, low sperm motility or abnormal sperm morphology. However, male infertility can also have other causes.
Physical Causes of Male Infertility
Male Infertility Causes usually occur because there is a problem with the production or transportation of sperm. Some common physical causes that can affect the ability to produce sperm in the testicles include varicocele, hormonal imbalance, genetic problems and surgical complications.
Varicoceles are abnormal enlargements of the veins in the scrotum and are the most common cause of infertility worldwide. A study published in the Journal of Clinical Trials reported low sperm count in 15% of men with varicocele.
Hormonal imbalances can also be a major factor. If a man does not have enough testosterone in his body, this can lead to reduced sperm production. On the other hand, men may also have chromosomal abnormalities, genetic or chromosomal disorders, which can interfere with sperm production.
Surgical complications can also lead to male infertility. This is often the result of surgery on the scrotum, prostate, urinary tract or rectum.
Lifestyle factors and male infertility
The influence of lifestyle factors on the causes of male infertility is often emphasized. Smoking, alcohol use, drug use and stress can affect sperm count and quality. A study conducted by Ankara University Faculty of Medicine showed that sperm count and motility decreased in men who smoked cigarettes. Alcohol and drug use can also kill sperm cells and reduce sperm quality.
Stress can be another cause of infertility. A 2018 study from Guangxi University in China showed that high stress levels can worsen sperm quality in men.

Causes of Male Infertility
Other Potential Causes of Male Infertility
Less common causes of male infertility include retrograde ejaculation, immunological factors and environmental toxins. Retrograde ejaculation is when sperm escapes back into the bladder during a man’s orgasm. This can be caused by diabetes, spinal cord injuries and side effects of certain medications.
The immune system can also play a role in male infertility. The male body can recognize sperm cells as an autoimmune response and damage them.
Finally, environmental factors can also cause male infertility. In particular, exposure to plastic products containing bisphenol A (BPA) can negatively affect sperm production.
In conclusion, Male Infertility Causes can be caused by many different factors and are often complex. If a couple is having difficulty conceiving, it is important that both the man and the woman receive a thorough medical evaluation. Examining both sides allows couples to better understand their infertility issues and create an appropriate treatment plan.
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