Do fibroids prevent pregnancy?
Do fibroids prevent pregnancy?; Fibroids are benign tumours that are usually found in the uterus and develop in the muscle tissues of the uterus. It may occur due to hormonal or genetic factors, as well as the hormone estrogen, which increases in women, especially during pregnancy, can cause fibroids to grow.
Fibroids are divided into 3 types according to their location in the uterus. Those that grow outside the uterus, those that grow on the uterine wall and finally intrauterine fibroids. In addition to their location, fibroids also show dimensional differences. They can be the size of a tiny chickpea grain or the size of an apple. Since there are many factors that determine all these changes, we cannot attribute them to a single cause.
Whether fibroids will cause a problem before or after pregnancy depends on the region of the uterus and the size of the fibroid.
Symptoms of Uterine Fibroids
Fibroids usually do not show many symptoms, but if you are constantly experiencing one or more of the following complaints, we recommend that you visit a doctor.
- If you have painful sexual intercourse
- If you have intense and persistent pain in your lower back and abdomen
- If you urinate frequently and have difficulty urinating
- If you feel pressure in your uterus
- If your menstrual bleeding lasts for a long time and there is heavy bleeding

Do fibroids prevent pregnancy fibroids / Do fibroids prevent pregnancy?
Are fibroids an obstacle to getting pregnant?
- Fibroids cause some changes in the contraction and blood supply of the uterus.
- They may adversely affect the union of sperm with eggs and the implantation of the embryo in the uterus.
- They can make it difficult for the fertilised egg to attach to the uterus, making it difficult to become pregnant.
- If pregnancy occurs, they may cause the pregnancy to result in miscarriage.
- When they settle in areas close to the tubes and pressurise them, they can create conditions that prevent conception.
- They make it difficult for the egg to progress in the tubes.
- Fibroids located on the inner surface of the uterus create anatomical effects and cause distortion of the shape of the uterus.
- They may cause closure of the tubes and ducts and consequently prevent pregnancy from occurring.
Since fibroid formation can also affect the results of IVF treatment, it is necessary to provide control before treatment. If they are small and few in number, they can be removed by open or closed tiny surgical operations.
However, if the fibroid is located close to the outside of the uterus and is small in size, it will not cause a problem for pregnancy. Of course, the size and location of fibroids should be examined by a specialist physician. You will get the most accurate and healthy answer from the doctor after the examination.
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Do fibroids prevent pregnancy?