Who should get an HSG Uterine Film?
HSG Uterine Film is a test diagnostic method used to visualise the uterine cavity. With this method, the condition of the tubes in the uterus is examined. After the procedure, all questions such as whether there is obstruction in the tubes in the uterus, whether there is stenosis or width in the uterus are answered.
The aim of this procedure is to detect hereditary problems related to the uterine cavity, the shape of the uterus, or factors such as fibroids and polyps that may develop later and cause infertility. In addition, it can be used to detect adhesions in the uterus (Asherman’s Syndrome), which can often occur after a previous abortion surgery or miscarriage. It should be noted that with today’s technology, this procedure can be performed painlessly and painlessly.
What is medicated HSG Uterine Film?
One of the first tests requested for women who cannot conceive despite unprotected and regular intercourse for at least 12 months is medicated uterine film.
In medicated uterine film, fluid (contrast) is given into the uterus through the cervix to be visualised during the procedure. After the fluid is administered, the uterine tubes and the inside of the uterus are visualised. This fluid contains iodine salt, which is responsible for holding X-rays. Thus, the inside of the uterus can be visualised with the help of X-rays. This fluid is an odourless, colourless, non-caustic compound. It does not cause any harm to the organs and tissues in the uterus. On the contrary, since this fluid is administered through the cervix with pressure, in some cases it can have a therapeutic effect by cleaning the mucus-like layers and obstructive structures that may form in the ducts.
The medicated uterine film procedure is completed within 5-15 minutes. After the procedure, patients can continue their daily routine life.
To Whom Should HSG Uterine Film Be Offered?
- Infertility
- Recurrent pregnancy loss
- Ectopic pregnancy
- Suspicion of adhesions in the uterus
- Before IVF Treatment
- Before vaccination treatment

HSG Uterine Film 2
With the doctor’s recommendation, when conditions such as curtain in the uterus, bicornu uterus are detected on ultrasound, HSG Uterine Film can be taken.
Despite 1 year of unprotected and regular intercourse, if there is no pregnancy, some tests should be performed for both men and women. The first part to be examined in women is the tubes. However, since it is not possible to see whether the tubes are open or not on ultrasound in women, HSG method is preferred.
Things to do after the procedure;
- Medications given after the procedure should be used regularly.
- 2 weeks should be avoided from common areas such as pool, Turkish bath, sauna.
- Heavy work should not be done on the same day after the HSG procedure.
- Tampon should not be used after the examination. Pads can be used instead.
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Facebook : OpDrAlperSismanoglu
Who should get an HSG Uterine Film?