Fresh or frozen embryo transfer?
Fresh or frozen embryo transfer?; Frozen embryo transfer is frequently preferred in IVF treatment in recent years. The reason for choosing this alternative to fresh embryo treatment is the high success rates. So what is this choice based on? First of all, let’s look at what frozen and fresh embryos are.
What is a Fresh Embryo?
A fresh embryo is an embryo obtained after the standard IVF treatment steps have been completed. The implantation of this embryo into the mother’s uterus on the 3rd or 5th day is called fresh embryo transfer. Fresh embryo transfer has been used in IVF treatment for many years.
What is a frozen embryo?
Frozen embryo transfer is the process of storing the embryo for a later pregnancy, i.e. for a future transfer plan. Embryos waiting for transfer are stored in liquid nitrogen in special devices at an ambient temperature of -196 degrees. The frozen embryos are thawed shortly before transfer and implanted into the uterus.
In previous trial processes, frozen embryos had a 60% chance of survival during transfer, but with the developing technology, 90% of embryos can be transferred successfully.

Fresh or frozen embryo transfer success
Who Can Receive Frozen Embryos?
There are 2 main reasons for cryopreservation: social and medical. It is a frequently used method especially when expectant mothers have health problems. In addition to the increased success rates in the transfer of frozen embryos, it is also preferred due to less medication and less stress. In many respects, frozen embryo transfer is hormonally and psychologically advantageous for the expectant mother.
In our country, embryos can be frozen in only 20% of IVF centers. This low percentage means that frozen embryo transfer should only be used in cases where the expectant mother has serious health problems. We decide together which transfer should be applied in IVF treatment, taking into account the health status and social reasons of our expectant mothers.
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Fresh or frozen embryo transfer?