What is Ovulation Disorder? Ovulation is one of the main causes of hormonal changes observed in the body, which occurs regularly once a month in women of reproductive age and ensures the continuity of activities such as menstruation and reproduction.
What is Ovulation Disorder?
What is Ovulation Disorder? Ovulatory dysfunction is one of the most common causes of infertility. Ovulation disorder is also called ovulatory dysfunction. On average, 1/3 of the causes of infertility in women are related to problems with ovulation.
What we characterize as a problem or disorder related to ovulation activity is actually more of an ovulation irregularity. In summary, ovulation occurs in women, but this ovulation occurs irregularly and infrequently, not regularly as it happens every month. This is why menstruation becomes irregular.
- In the rare case of no ovulation at all, this type of problem is included in the condition referred to as ovulation disorder. Women who never ovulate do not have a menstrual cycle.
- WHO Class 1: Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism: Low levels of FSH and estrogen. Between 5% and 10% of patients with ovulation disorders are in this group.
- WHO Class2: Hypothalamo-hypophyseal dysfunction: FSH and estrogen hormone levels are normal. Polycystic ovary syndrome patients are included in this group. Between 70% and 80% of patients with ovulation disorders are in this group.
- WHO Class 3: Hypergonatodtropic hypogonadism: (ovarian insufficiency) FSH hormone values are high and estrogen hormone values are low. Early menopause or menopausal patients are included in this group. Between 10% and 30% of patients with ovulation disorders are in this group.
- There are also ovulation disorders related to obstruction of the genital canal or due to hyperprolactinoma (high prolactin, milk hormone).
- 1 Causes and symptoms of ovulatory dysfunction, i.e. ovulation disorder
- 2 How to recognize ovulation disorders caused by stress and polycystic ovary syndrome?
- 3 How is ovulation disorder treated in women who do not want to get pregnant?
- 4 Relationship between weight and ovulation disorder
- 5 What is Ovulation Disorder? Conception of patients
Causes and symptoms of ovulatory dysfunction, i.e. ovulation disorder
What is Ovulation Disorder?: Ovulation problems can be caused by stress and various diseases. Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is one of the most important causes of ovulation disorders. However, polycystic ovary syndrome is not present in every case of ovulation irregularity. In polycystic ovary syndrome, periods are generally irregular and infrequent. Some patients with polycystic ovary syndrome do not menstruate at all, while others have a normal menstrual cycle. Complaints such as excess weight, acne and oily skin are common. There are more eggs in the ovaries than normal, but these prevent the normal development of the egg because they secrete male hormones.
Women who never ovulate are more likely to have problems with the pituitary gland in the brain, menopause and genetic disorders.

What is Ovulation Disorder?
How to recognize ovulation disorders caused by stress and polycystic ovary syndrome?
An ovulation disorder is recognized if there are no symptoms of ovulation. Various methods are used to determine whether ovulation is occurring. These methods allow us to diagnose ovulation activities;
What is Ovulation Disorder?
- Checking the egg with ultrasound
- Assessment of progesterone hormone on day 21 of the menstrual cycle
- It is the monitoring of the woman’s body temperature after ovulation on the 13th to 15th days of the menstrual cycle.
If there is an ovulation disorder, treatments called ovulation induction are given to the patient. These treatments may sometimes be insufficient, in such cases in vitro fertilization is also applied as a supplement.
Sometimes vaccination is also included in the treatment process in order to achieve pregnancy with ovulation regulating treatments.
Ovulation regulators, i.e. egg enlargers; They are drugs used both in the form of oral tablets and injections (injections).
How is ovulation disorder treated in women who do not want to get pregnant?
What is Ovulation Disorder? Problems such as irregular menstrual cycle and hair growth can be seen due to ovulation disorders. In this case, depending on the complaint; treatments such as menstrual regulating hormonal drugs, hair reduction drugs, hair removal and birth control pills are used. However, such medications should never be used without a doctor’s advice.
Relationship between weight and ovulation disorder
Being overweight is a problem for ovulation. Therefore, it is recommended that overweight women lose weight. Healthy eating and sports will help with weight loss. After losing excess weight, the existing ovulation disorder complaint will be prevented and the menstrual cycle will be regularized.
What is Ovulation Disorder? Conception of patients
If there is no problem other than ovulation disorder that causes infertility, it is possible to become pregnant after ovulation disorder treatment.
In ovulation disorder due to polycystic ovary disease, the patient can easily become pregnant. However, in ovulation disorders due to genetic or menopause-related reasons, the patient’s chances of achieving pregnancy are low.
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