What is IVF: A Dream Brought to Life with Advanced Technology
What is IVF? Scientific and technological advancements have opened the door to groundbreaking innovations in the field of health. Especially the processes of reproduction and having children, which form the foundation of life, have almost been reshaped with the advancing technological possibilities. One of the significant innovations in this field is In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), commonly known as test-tube baby technology. So, what is IVF?
In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) is a reproductive treatment in which fertilization is carried out under laboratory conditions. The term “in vitro,” which means “in glass” in Latin, refers to this scientific process conducted in laboratory glassware. IVF treatment offers couples who are unable to conceive naturally for various reasons the hope of having children.
How Does the IVF Process Work?
In the context of IVF treatment, hormonal therapy is initially applied to the prospective mother to promote the development of healthy ovaries. After this process, the mature eggs are retrieved through a surgical procedure. During the same period, sperm collected from the male is kept in a special solution in the laboratory.
Who is IVF suitable for?
What is IVF? Couples who have difficulty conceiving naturally are generally potential candidates for IVF treatment. However, it is worth noting that there can be a variety of reasons for undergoing in vitro fertilization treatment. These reasons are generally classified as factors related to either the male or female, uterine issues, or unexplained infertility.

What is IVF
IVF and Success Rates
IVF offers hope for couples struggling to conceive, but it does not guarantee that every IVF attempt will be successful. Many studies conducted in the world and in Turkey show that success rates depend on a variety of factors.
First of all, the age of the couple and their overall health status are the most important factors affecting IVF outcomes. Especially a woman’s age affects the quality and quantity of her eggs. More than 40% of women undergoing IVF treatment have children before the age of 35, while 20% have children before the age of 40; however, the percentage is below 5% for women aged 43 and older.
In addition, the cause of infertility and the treatments received during the treatment period are also factors that affect the likelihood of success.
In conclusion, IVF treatment (what is IVF?) is an incredible opportunity offered by modern medicine. However, just like in every treatment process, there are various challenges and uncertainties in IVF as well. For this reason, it is important for couples who wish to have children to consult with a healthcare professional and gather detailed information when considering the IVF option.
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