Tricks for Success in IVF Treatment
Tricks for Success in IVF Treatment : With the rapid advancement of medicine and technological developments, IVF treatment has become a beacon of hope for couples who want to have a child. However, IVF treatment has different success rates among couples depending on various factors. In this article, we will discuss some critical points that can increase success in IVF treatment.
Age of Couples
According to medical research, the age of the couple plays a major role in the success of IVF treatment. The age of the woman is particularly decisive for success rates. According to the American Infertility Association, the success rate is 40% for women under the age of 35, 31% for women 35 to 37, 21% for women 38 to 40, and 11% for women 41 to 42.[^1] The age of the man also has an impact on treatment success, but it is usually less than the age of the woman.
Healthy Lifestyle
To increase the success rate of IVF treatment, couples are advised to adopt a healthy lifestyle. It is important that the body is in the best condition for successful IVF treatment, which is a serious medical intervention. Alcohol, smoking and drug use prevent the production of healthy sperm and eggs, and as a result, the success of IVF treatment decreases.
Choosing the Right Clinic and Doctor
Tricks for Success in IVF Treatment; IVF treatment is a complex process that requires experience and expertise. Therefore, choosing an experienced and successful clinic and doctor is an important factor in the success of the treatment. When choosing a clinic, it is important to pay attention to successful pregnancy rates, the experience of the clinic and the technologies it uses.

Tricks for Success in IVF Treatment 2025
Technology and Conditions
Another factor affecting the success of the treatment is the technology and laboratory conditions used. A laboratory where high quality embryos can be developed and stored greatly increases the success of the treatment. In addition, the use of advanced technologies such as pre-transfer genetic screening (PGD) can also increase the success of the treatment.
Psychological Status
The psychological state also has a great influence on the success of IVF treatment. Intense stress and anxiety can negatively affect ovulation and sperm quality.[²] Therefore, receiving psychological support before starting the treatment process can increase the success of IVF treatment.
In conclusion, there are many factors that affect the success of IVF treatment. The age of the couples, healthy lifestyle, choosing the right clinic and doctor, the technology and laboratory conditions used, and psychological state are among the main factors. All these factors should be considered and evaluated together to maximize the success of the treatment.
Sources :
[^1]: American Society for Reproductive Medicine(ASRM). “Age and Fertility: A guide for patients.” 2012.
[²]: Li, J., Liu, B., Li, Y., & Lee, A. “Stress and Its Role in Reproductive Failure: An Update.” 2016.
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