When to Apply for IVF Treatment?
When to Apply for IVF Treatment; IVF treatment is one of the most common methods used by couples who aim to have a child but cannot achieve this naturally. In Turkey, thousands of couples undergo IVF treatment every year and this number is increasing day by day. However, one of the most important questions in this process is; when should couples apply for IVF treatment? The answer to this question may vary depending on the couple’s situation and the problems they are experiencing.
Fertility Problems and IVF Treatment
When to Apply for IVF Treatment? There are many factors that affect a couple’s chances of having a child. The most important ones are the woman’s age and the ideal sperm count of the man. According to data from the Ministry of Health, one out of every 6 couples in Turkey has difficulty conceiving a child and turns to IVF treatment, which is the fastest and most effective way to have a child.
Of the problems with fertility, 30% are caused by women, 30% by men and the remaining 40% are caused by both men and women. This shows that a detailed evaluation is needed to understand why couples fail to have children.
From this point of view, it can be better understood when couples should resort to IVF treatment. In vitro fertilization treatment is usually recommended when a couple has not been able to conceive a child naturally within 1 year. If the woman is over the age of 35 and the couple has not been able to conceive naturally for 6 months, it is time to resort to IVF treatment.
When to Apply for IVF Treatment

When to Apply for IVF Treatment?
When to Apply for IVF Treatment?
When to Apply for IVF Treatment? To determine the best time to start IVF treatment, several factors should be taken into account. The time to start treatment includes the following circumstances:
- The woman’s age: The best age for IVF treatment is between 23-39. After the age of 40, the chances of pregnancy with IVF treatment decrease rapidly.
- Sperm quality: If a man has poor sperm quality or a low sperm count, IVF treatment can be used.
- Ovarian reserve: Women with diminished ovarian reserve or in the pre-menopausal period have a very low chance of conceiving naturally. Women in this situation are recommended to resort to in vitro fertilization.
- Time to conceive a child: In cases where the 1-year period mentioned above has expired, in vitro fertilization treatment can be applied.
- Medical reasons: Couples may need IVF treatment due to certain hormonal disorders, problems in the uterus or tubes, endometriosis, polycystic ovary syndrome, infertility and genetic diseases.
When to Apply for IVF Treatment? When to apply for IVF treatment depends on the problems and situation of the couple. However, basically, IVF treatment is a treatment method that couples resort to when they cannot have a child naturally. Before starting treatment, it is recommended that each couple consult a specialist who will evaluate their situation and their chances of pregnancy. This evaluation process is critical in determining when a couple should start treatment.
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