What is Mini IVF?
What is Mini IVF?; In vitro fertilization, one of the most frequently used treatment methods for couples with infertility problems, has become a hope for couples who cannot have children naturally for various reasons. In addition to the traditional in vitro fertilization with recombinant FSH, in recent years, the in vitro fertilization method with low dose hormone application known as “mini IVF” has become popular.
What is Mini IVF?
Mini IVF is basically an IVF procedure that uses less hormone medication. Instead of the high doses of hormone medication used in traditional IVF, mini IVF uses lower doses of hormone medication. This minimizes the stress and side effects that may occur on couples during IVF treatment.
The mini IVF method is based on the collection of several mature eggs by intervening in the follicles that form in the patient’s natural cycle with a small intervention. This treatment approach reduces the cost and side effects of hormonal drugs and the stress on couples.
Who can benefit?
Because fewer hormones are used than in conventional IVF treatment, patients who are particularly sensitive to hormone medication and take high doses of hormone medication do not suffer from side effects. Therefore, mini IVF is particularly suitable for patients who fall into the following categories:
- Patients who have previously undergone IVF treatment but do not respond to high-dose hormone therapy
- Patients who have had an unfavorable response to hormone therapy and/or have a history of estrogen-sensitive cancer
- Patients with repeated IVF failures
- Patients seeking a less invasive and more economical treatment option
Advantages and Disadvantages
What is Mini IVF? One of the advantages of mini IVF is that it has fewer side effects due to the lower dose of hormonal medication. In addition, the lower amount of medication also reduces treatment costs.
However, fewer eggs are collected than with traditional IVF, so the chances of success with each attempt may be lower. However, the reduced side effects and lower costs of mini IVF offer significant advantages, especially for certain patient groups.

What is Mini IVF?
Mini IVF is one of the latest innovations in the field of infertility treatment in modern medicine. Based on the use of smaller doses of hormones, this method can be ideal for patients with various health conditions or those seeking a less invasive and more economical treatment. When managed by a specialized clinic and an experienced doctor, mini IVF can be a powerful option to realize the dream of having a child. In the future, mini IVF technology will be further developed and we will be able to offer more options to couples seeking a solution to infertility.
It is also important to remember that each treatment approach should be individualized. All the details of the methods applied by different clinics and doctors, including mini IVF treatment, should be discussed in detail and no treatment should be applied before they are understood. In this case, consultation with a health professional is the best approach. What is Mini IVF?
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