
In Vitro Fertilization

What is IVF: A Dream Realized with Advanced Technology

What is IVF: A Dream Realized with Advanced Technology

Scientific and technological advancements have opened the door to groundbreaking innovations in the field of healthcare. Particularly, the fundamental processes of reproduction and childbearing have been reshaped with the advancement of technological capabilities. One of the significant innovations in this field is In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), also known colloquially as ‘test-tube baby’ technology. So, what is IVF?

What is IVF?

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) is essentially a reproductive treatment where fertilization occurs under laboratory conditions. The term “in vitro,” meaning “in glass” in Latin, describes this scientific process performed in a test tube. IVF treatment offers hope to couples who are unable to conceive naturally for various reasons.

How Does the IVF Process Work?

The IVF treatment initially involves administering hormonal therapy to the prospective mother to develop healthy eggs. Following this, mature eggs are surgically retrieved. Simultaneously, sperm collected from the male is prepared in the lab in a special solution.

Then, the healthiest of the collected sperms and eggs are identified and combined. This stage is known as “in vitro fertilization,” where the eggs and sperms are fertilized in a glass container in a lab setting. The fertilized embryos continue to grow in the lab for several days.

After this fertilization process, the healthiest-looking embryo or embryos are transferred to the uterus. Pregnancy begins once the embryo implants itself into the uterine wall.

Who is IVF Suitable For?

Couples who have difficulty conceiving naturally are generally potential candidates for IVF treatment. However, it should be noted that there are various reasons for undergoing test-tube baby treatment. These reasons are usually classified as factors related to males or females, uterine problems, or unexplained infertility.

IVF and Success Rates

While IVF provides hope for couples struggling to conceive, not every IVF attempt guarantees success. Numerous studies in the world and Turkey show that success rates depend on various factors.

Primarily, the age and general health condition of the couple are the most important factors affecting the outcomes of IVF. Especially the age of women significantly impacts the quality and quantity of eggs. More than 40% of women undergoing IVF treatment conceive before the age of 35, 20% before the age of 40, while this rate falls below 5% for women over the age of 43.

In addition, the cause of infertility and the treatments received during the treatment period also affect the likelihood of success.

In conclusion, IVF treatment is a tremendous opportunity offered by modern medicine. However, as with any treatment process, there are various challenges and uncertainties in IVF. Therefore, it is important for couples who want to have children to consult with a healthcare professional and obtain detailed information when considering the IVF option.


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