
In Vitro Fertilization

I had IVF, what should I pay attention to?

I had IVF, what should I pay attention to?

In vitro fertilisation treatment is a method that couples prefer when they cannot have children naturally due to health problems, genetic factors or age. However, it is also very important to know what to pay attention to after IVF treatment, what kind of process should be followed and what points should be taken care of.

Things to Consider After IVF Treatment

There are some things that need to be taken into consideration after IVF treatment. The many challenges that the body has to overcome in this process require various protective measures and attention.

Nutrition and nutritional supplements

After treatment, a balanced, healthy and varied diet is very important. A high-protein and low-carbohydrate diet has shown more successful results after IVF treatment. You should also regularly use multivitamin and mineral supplements that may be recommended by your doctor.

Physical activity

Intense physical activity should be avoided after IVF treatment. You can take light walks, but you should reduce the intensity of the exercises, especially in the first weeks.

Reducing stress

Stress can negatively affect the success of IVF treatment. Therefore, it may be healthy to practice stress reduction techniques such as meditation, breathing exercises and light walks.

Use of medication

During and after IVF treatment, you should take the medicines recommended by your doctor regularly and use them as prescribed.

Alcohol and smoking

Alcohol and smoking may adversely affect the results of IVF treatment. Alcohol and smoking should be strictly avoided, even for a while.

The process to be followed after IVF

After the treatment, a specific process must be followed. Usually, you have to wait about 2 weeks after the IVF procedure and then take a pregnancy test.

At this stage of the process, you should inform your doctor about any pain, discomfort or unusual symptoms. You should also avoid activities that strain the body and get plenty of rest during this period.

In conclusion, there are a number of factors that you should pay attention to after IVF treatment. These include nutrition, activity level, stress management, medication, alcohol and smoking. Each of these factors can affect the success of your treatment. By following your doctor’s instructions, you can have a healthy pregnancy after IVF treatment.

Frequently Asked Questions After IVF

How long should the rest period be after IVF?
Although strict bed rest for long hours immediately after the transfer was a common recommendation in the past after IVF treatment, current studies show that this practice is unnecessary. It has been found that a short period of rest after the transfer has similar effects on pregnancy success compared to prolonged bed rest. Therefore, bed rest for days is not mandatory.
When should sexual intercourse start after IVF?
The effect of sexual intercourse on the IVF process is generally uncertain and sexual intercourse is generally not recommended for couples. Although there is not enough research, there is no clear information on how sexual activity before and after embryo transfer affects pregnancy success.
How should nutrition be after IVF?
A healthy and balanced diet is important after IVF. You should discuss your diet plan with your doctor or a nutritionist.
Can I smoke after IVF?
Smoking is an important factor in the IVF treatment process. Women who smoke or are passively exposed to cigarette smoke have a significant decrease in their chances of having a child. Likewise, men who smoke may have a decrease in sperm count and motility. Smoking during pregnancy may increase the risk of miscarriage. Therefore, couples undergoing IVF treatment are advised that both partners should quit smoking during the treatment process. Tedavi esnasında sigara içmeye devam eden kadınlarda toplanan yumurta sayısının azaldığı gözlemlenmiştir. Ayrıca, sigara kullanan kadınlarda yumurtaların döllenme başarısının daha düşük olduğu bilinmektedir. Bu sebeplerle, tüp bebek tedavisi alan çiftlerde sigara bırakmanın, tedavi başarısını artırabileceği önemli bir faktördür.
How do I know if my baby is healthy after IVF?
Your pregnancy should be monitored regularly. You should regularly attend ultrasound and other tests recommended by your doctor.
How can I cope with stress after IVF?
The IVF process can be stressful. You should talk to your family, friends or a specialist if you need support.
Should normal birth or caesarean section be preferred after IVF?
The mode of delivery depends on the course of the pregnancy and the condition of the expectant mother. You should talk to your doctor in detail.


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