
In Vitro Fertilization

Embryo Transfer in IVF

Embryo Transfer in IVF

Embryo transfer, one of the most important stages of IVF treatment, is a step where couples can realise their dream of having a baby. This process, which is extremely sensitive and critical from a medical point of view, is carried out with great care by health professionals interested in reproductive assistive technologies. In this article, we aim to provide detailed and precise information about embryo transfer in IVF and to provide general information on this subject.

What is IVF Treatment and Embryo Transfer?

In vitro fertilisation treatment is a reproductive technique used by couples when they cannot have a child naturally for various reasons. It is especially applied in cases of low ovarian reserves, blocked tubes, male factor or unexplained infertility.

Embryo transfer is the step in which the eggs (embryos) fertilised in the laboratory are transferred to the couple’s uterus. The transfer process is usually painless and takes only a few minutes.

Importance of Embryo Transfer

Embryo transfer in IVF treatment is one of the most critical steps to increase the chances of having a child. The successful transfer of a healthy embryo to the uterus and its proper attachment to the uterus significantly increases the chances of pregnancy.

The quality of the transferred embryos and their ability to attach to the uterus are closely related to factors such as laboratory conditions, embryological knowledge and experience. The care taken and the technique used greatly affect the outcome of a successful pregnancy.

Embryo Transfer Process

The embryo transfer process begins with the reproductive endocrinology and infertility specialist monitoring the optimal development of the embryos in coordination with the embryology laboratory. During this process, the embryos are categorised according to specified criteria and the most suitable embryos are selected for transfer.

During the transfer process, the selected embryos are implanted into the uterus with a special catheter. The patient does not feel any pain or discomfort during this procedure.

After the embryo transfer, a pregnancy test is typically performed 10-14 days later. During this time, the patient is advised to rest and avoid physical activities.

Factors Affecting the Chance of Success in IVF Treatment

The chance of success in IVF treatment depends on many factors. Some of the most important factors are as follows:

  • The woman’s age: Generally, the chance of pregnancy decreases in patients aged 35 and over. Egg quality and number are directly related to the woman’s age.
  • Embryo quality: The quality of the embryos to be transferred significantly affects the chance of pregnancy.
  • Uterine conditions: The uterus must be healthy and suitable for the embryos to attach. Conditions such as fibroids or polyps can reduce the chance of pregnancy.
  • Lifestyle factors: Factors such as smoking and alcohol use, unhealthy diet and obesity can also adversely affect the chance of pregnancy.

In Turkey, the success rate of embryo transfer after IVF treatment varies between 40-60% on average, taking into account many factors. However, it should not be forgotten that the success rate of each couple may vary depending on their own special conditions.


Although embryo transfer in IVF is an extremely complex and delicate procedure, it can offer high success rates in expert hands. In this process, it is important that couples and health professionals work together to achieve the best results. For detailed information and professional support on embryo transfer, you can contact health centres specialising in reproductive health.


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