Can I get pregnant after IVF treatment?
Can I get pregnant after IVF treatment?; The most common question asked by couples who undergo IVF treatment for their first pregnancy is “Is normal pregnancy possible after IVF? “. Yes, it is possible, but of course it is not right to guarantee that natural pregnancy will occur. Let’s examine the answers to the questions of in which cases natural pregnancy can occur, what is the probability of natural pregnancy, together in this article.
For couples who have already become parents with IVF treatment, starting the same treatment process for the second baby and feeling the stress in the process again is one of the biggest concerns. In fact, since it is a process that has been experienced before, the process progresses faster and easier. Of course, the possibility of a normal pregnancy after the first treatment is not eliminated.
On the other hand, there is also the possibility that pregnancy may not occur naturally in couples who want to become parents again. The same situation can even occur after vaccination. But pregnancy is always a possibility with in vitro fertilization, which is a more advanced technology.

Can I get pregnant after IVF treatment
In which cases can a normal pregnancy occur after IVF?
In cases where there are serious factors such as the mother’s tubes being closed or removed for any reason, and the father’s semen not containing any sperm, natural pregnancy is not possible. However, pregnancy can be made possible after IVF treatment.
Studies show that 10-20% of couples who have undergone in vitro fertilization treatment have a normal pregnancy process again. In cases where the expectant mothers are under 35 years of age and the duration of infertility is short, and the expectant fathers quit harmful habits such as smoking and alcohol and adopt healthy life routines, both the possibility of natural pregnancy increases and an advantage is provided in IVF treatment.
Again, when we look at the statistics, we see that this rate is up to 40%. In addition, the stress and anxiety caused by the inability to have a baby has a great impact on IVF and normal pregnancy. Keep in mind that with the elimination of this stress, reproductive functions work in a healthier way.
Is it possible to have a normal pregnancy after in vitro fertilization; Expectant mothers who enter the gestation period after the IVF method do not menstruate for about 1.5 years. In this way, the body, which gets used to pregnancy, adjusts estrogen levels and the body gets used to this situation. For this reason, the possibility of conceiving naturally after the process will also increase.
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Can I get pregnant after IVF treatment?