
In Vitro Fertilization

IVF Treatment Methods

IVF Treatment Methods

Advancements in technology and biological sciences have brought hope to couples struggling to conceive, with IVF treatment becoming a symbol of that hope. Of course, IVF treatment has its own various methods and steps. In this article, we will delve into the details of IVF treatment methods.

What is IVF Treatment?

IVF treatment involves a series of medical and surgical procedures to enable couples to have children. Typically, it is the process of fertilizing eggs and sperm in a laboratory setting and transferring the embryo to the woman’s uterus. In Turkey, it is reported that approximately 15 out of every 100 couples experience infertility problems, and about 50% of these couples turn to IVF treatment methods.

Discussing IVF Treatment Methods

Before understanding the stages of IVF treatment, it is important to know the reasons for seeking treatment. Various conditions can make it difficult for a couple to conceive naturally, often categorized as female and male factors. Female factors may involve issues with the ovaries, uterus, or fallopian tubes. Male factors are usually related to sperm problems.

The treatment process generally consists of the following stages:

  • Hormone therapy: Hormone therapy is typically applied for a few weeks to increase a woman’s egg production.
  • Egg retrieval: Mature eggs resulting from hormone therapy are collected by the doctor.
  • Insemination and fertilization: Following retrieval, eggs are fertilized with sperm under laboratory conditions.
  • Embryo transfer: The fertilized embryo is then placed into the woman’s uterus.

Some of the Methods

  • Classic IVF: In this method, sperm collected from the male is combined with the woman’s eggs, and fertilization is awaited.
  • Microinjection: Commonly known as ICSI, in this method, the highest quality sperm is manually selected and directly injected into the egg.
  • Blastocyst Transfer: The embryo is kept in laboratory conditions for up to the 5th or 6th day after fertilization.
  • TESA/TESE: IVF treatment is applied by directly extracting sperm from the testicles.


The variety of treatment methods provides a significant advantage to couples. The choice of treatment method by doctors and couples depends on the couple’s medical history, age, and personal preferences.

However, it should be remembered that while the success rates of IVF treatment depend on many factors, all these procedures require a professional team and technology. Because these processes are delicate areas where biology and medical science, psychology, and ethical values converge, the experience of doctors and medical teams supporting couples on this journey is crucial.


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